I am a photographer and videographer
My main focus is to create work that feels nostalgic, genuine, and candid.
I work within the music and general arts community and like to maintain long working relationships that extend past the moments of documentation and feel more like a collaborative effort.
Much of my work consists of creative experiences where we build artist branding and cohesive press kits. I am familiar with building sets that edge on surrealism.
Outside of photography,
I am passionate about coffee, my plant collection, and horror movies. Often I have unnecessary fun facts that I will share with anyone listening. In moments of free time, I read or draw but I am happiest when I am working on some form of content direction project.
My notable clients are/have been
Arm’s Length, Atreyu, Bearings, Calling All Captains, Can’t Swim, Colour In The Clouds, F7 Entertainent, Four Year Strong, Knuckle Puck, LAUV, MRG Concerts, Music BC, Real Friends, The Rec Room, Royal Tusk, Said The Whale, Stasis, Year Over Year, and Youth Fountain.
W H E R E A R E Y O U L O C A T E D ?
Vancouver, BC/ Calgary, AB
Willing to travel with additional cost.
E D U C A T I O N, C V & A W A R D S
2019: Exposure Festival: Music Visualization, Phil & Sebastian, Mission
2019: Exposure Festival: You Are A Tourist, Vintage Cafe
2015: Alberta College of Art + Design: Bachelor of Design + Photography
2015: Calgary's Emerging Photographer of the Year
2015: Displayed at the Musee du Louvre: Projection of "Sleep by Gardens"
2014: Created OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE Magazine